Respect the Land and Our Permit
Our cross country ski trails and snowshoe trails are located on leased U.S. Forest Service, protected town land and easements on private land.
They are leased to the Breckenridge Nordic Center for use as cross country ski and snowshoe trails between November and May. Trail passes are required at all times. Hiking is not permitted at any time during ski season. If you need to exit the ski trail on foot, please stay completely to the side of the ski trail and use your first exit available.
Equipment permitted on cross country ski trails is restricted to Cross Country skis and Backcountry skis with Free Heel Systems. Bindings with locked heel systems are not permitted on our trail system at any time. Snowshoes are permitted but must remain on designated snowshoe trails marked with colored diamonds. If a snowshoer loses the trail, we ask that they stay to the side of the ski trail. Please do not snowshoe on the groomed ski trail except where trail merge or cross.
Metal edge skis are allowed on our trails but heels must not be locked to the ski.

Trail Rules
All users must display a trail pass at all times. Trail Passes may be purchased at the front desk of the Breckenridge Nordic Center at 9 Grandview Drive, or they may be purchased online from the book now button at the top of this page and picked up at the Breckenridge Nordic Center. If you purchase a trail pass while already using the trail, please retain your email receipt until you are able to pick up a physical trail pass.
Hiking, biking, dog walking, and sledding are not permitted on the trail system November through April. Please respect all users and report any issues and concerns to the front desk. Dogs are never permitted within the Cucumber Gulch Wildlife Preserve even during summer months. Dogs are permitted on Peak seven trails above Ski Hill Road but must be on leash or on strict voice command. Owners must carry all waste out and are not permitted to leave plastic bags or dog waste behind at any time.
Downhill skis, snowboards, sleds and fat tire bikes are not permitted on cross country ski trails at any time.